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Building Revel/Mongram AH-1G (?)
California, United States
Joined: May 21, 2004
KitMaker: 22 posts
AeroScale: 4 posts
Posted: Friday, November 12, 2004 - 05:58 PM UTC
I am wondering if any one else is building or has recently built the new Revel/Mongram AH-1G released in July.

I am building the kit now and am finding some significant irregularities and am wondering if they are unique to my kit or comon to the kit?

The fuselage halves in the area of the cockpit were not the same thickness. One was twice the size of the other. The canopy was also twice the size on each size but unfortunately on the opposite sides then the fuselage. The canopy was/is 3/32 shorter then the cockpit it is to fit into, requiring some tricky putty work. Plus, and this one really bothered me... the clear plastice nose peice does not fit the hole in the nose. It is not a minor mis-fit, [:0] the hole is so much larger then the peice that I would have to sand through the plastic (it is not thick enough) to shape the nose to the "nose peice". I just got done making a nose from epoxy putty that I will have to shape in the morning!

I built this kit many years ago (first release) and do not remember such problems. Plus I have one of the first release kits (not complete) that I have been comparing fit to and it is not the same. (I glued my Cobra Cockpit into the "new" kit before I discovered why things did not fit right :-( ).

Any comments other then to tell me I should have done a better job test fitting

New York, United States
Joined: January 29, 2004
KitMaker: 3,836 posts
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Posted: Friday, November 12, 2004 - 06:31 PM UTC
Hey John ya same here, fuselage is thicker on one side than the other. The kit molds are getting bad and as long as we keep buying them what would they care about retooling them. But i'm trying to convert mine into the F or S model, i have the fuselage halves cut up and will need to make a new canopy and update the cockpit.