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Hurricane damage
New York, United States
Joined: September 25, 2004
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Posted: Tuesday, November 16, 2004 - 12:14 PM UTC
could anyone link me to some reference pics of damaged british hurricanes? I'm making a 1:72 hurricane (not sure of version yet) that has been downed by a flak88. thanks in advance, by the time you send pics i'll be busy using them
Arizona, United States
Joined: September 21, 2004
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Posted: Tuesday, November 16, 2004 - 12:44 PM UTC
Well, those pics are pretty hard to find. But I can tell you that if a flak88 were to directly hit an airplane, It could take a wing, instantly kill the pilot, loose rudder parts, blow up instantly, or loose engine. Those are all the stuff ive heard of from a flak88. My grampa was a pilot over Europe. He has many great stories. There were WAY more ways that the hurricane could have been downed. Be creative. Battle damage is a random thing. You can do anything and it would be historically accurate pretty much.
Quebec, Canada
Joined: March 31, 2004
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Posted: Wednesday, November 17, 2004 - 01:33 AM UTC
Yes, if the poor Hurrie gets it by a 88mm shell, then all you have to do is make a pile of scrap metal and fabric in a field.

Try 20mm shells, engine, fuselage and windscreen overed in oil.