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*Pics* vought corsair 1D finnished!
Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium
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Posted: Monday, December 20, 2004 - 04:04 AM UTC
hi guys,

i'd like to hear some comment on my latest build
It's the tamiya corsair 1D .

som pics..

cheerz Q!
Iowa, United States
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Posted: Monday, December 20, 2004 - 04:14 AM UTC
I freakin love it!! The Corsair is one of my favorite planes in the world! (thanks to Baa Baa Black Sheep in the 70's) Everything looks great, the weathering, color, everything. This is one of my next builds in 1/32. I will go with the gloss color sceme though with the gull gray underbelly.

One thing. What is your aerial wire made from? Stretched sprue? It may be a bit heavy in diameter. Maybe not, just looks a little heavy.

Georgia, United States
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Posted: Monday, December 20, 2004 - 04:47 AM UTC
Very sharp. One question, though. It appears that almost all of the paint-nicks on the prop are located on the trailing edge. The CW is that the paint tends to get scratched on the leading edge. Did you have some specific reason for doing the trailing edge on this bird? It also looks as though you may have some silver scratches on the fabric-covered rudder, but that may be a camera trick.

Otherise looks like a very clean build, with a nice even basecoat. Very cool!
Utah, United States
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Posted: Monday, December 20, 2004 - 06:32 AM UTC
Nice lookin' bird.
One thought (to add to the others)--the decals look a bit clean. (Or perhaps it is just the lighting. If that be the case ignore this.)
Adding a few paint chips and/or some oil stains would be easy to do and add a tremendous amount to the look of the kit.

Model On!
West-Vlaaderen, Belgium
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Posted: Monday, December 20, 2004 - 09:34 AM UTC
Looking very nice Q!!!

Superb paintjob and weathering, but I have to agree with Parttimer, I think you scratched the wrong side of the propeller, but that should be easy to fix for a pro....

Just a small question: on picture nr. 6 in your gallery I can see brown irregular lines, looking like rust or dirt. How did you get these? Did you use a pencil or paint?

Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium
Joined: June 21, 2004
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Posted: Monday, December 20, 2004 - 11:13 PM UTC

Yes,ik now the scratchs are on the wrong side of the blades .
Those irregular streaks are achieved with a Q-tip and some red-brown paint.I wanted to simulate some fuel dropped on the fuselage.

Pro? ,I don't think so.I'm a 17 y' old and this is my 3d aircraft . :-)

cheerz Q.
More comment is wecome
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England - South West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, December 21, 2004 - 07:52 AM UTC
Nice job, I too love the Corsair, this makes me want to start the one I have in my stash
Just a couple of observations:
Must agree with Steve, the antenna wire is to thick, I use smoke coloured invisible mending thread (You can see the effect on my Corsair F4U-1 in the Gallery). It looks like you have glued the wire to one side of the fin post and forward antenna? An equally easy, but more convincing way to show this is to drill a 0.2mm hole through the fin post and, using a triangular file, file an indent into the top of the forward antenna. Draw your invisible thread through the fin post, until near the end. Add a drop of CA to the end then pull through until the end just disappears. Pull taught (not too much) lay in the groove of the forward antenna, keeping the tension and add a drop of CA, hold until dry, or use kicker. Cut of the end. On my Corsair I went a little further and added a ring at the fin post, this is even more prototypical.

You obviously realised about the paint chipping on the props, an easy mistake. To know which way they turn think about them as wings, which is what they are. The thickest part will lead.
Got to agree with Keith, the decals look a bit to clean. Remember these markings were actually painted on and so would weather along with the rest of the aircraft. To achieve this the decals would have to be applied before weathering begins. This can of course present more problems, in that the decals can get damaged in the process. To prevent this happening I apply the decals then cover with a couple of coats of Klear (Future in the US) floor polish. Any clear varnish will do, as long as it is impervious to any weathering you carry out, such as oil washes.
When weathering the Corsair be aware of the fabric covered areas. Part timer mentions the rudder but on the Corsair about a third of the wing is fabric covered as well. My point is that fabric areas weather differently to metal areas, basically they would appear a little lighter. Of course you don't have to do this but it can be achieved by dry brushing (if you do decide to do it be very subtle). I achieved it by masking off the metal panels, including the screws, and over spraying with a very diluted and light mist coat of medium sea grey.
On the second picture the folded wing appears not to be pushed fully home? I could be wrong because on the last pic it seems to be correct. I know when I test fitted mine one of them was a little tight, so I carefully sanded the arm and kept test fitting until it went on. I achieved a nice tight fit but it was a bit traumatic because this is quite weak. I also notice that you haven't fitted the support bracket for the folded wing, again your call, but it does add strength and a little colour. I painted mine yellow
I think the star and bar decal on the folded wing is back to front?
From what I can see of the engine it looks good. The tyres look good, but I can't tell whether you have painted them black or dark grey. Tyres (IMHO) look best if painted dark grey. It looks as if the separate wheel centres are not quite pushed far enough in. This is probably caused by flash around the ejection rod indents, on the rear. I got around this by simply sanding the backs of the wheels until they went fully home. Apart from that the undercarriage looks spot on.
The canopy looks nice and clear, what did you use to mask it?
OK, I hope you don't feel that I have been to harsh. I have tried to offer solutions to a few minor things that I feel could be improved. Still a very nice model of a wonderful aircraft, thanks for sharing :-)
Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium
Joined: June 21, 2004
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Posted: Tuesday, December 21, 2004 - 08:23 AM UTC
thanks for the nice comment!
No you guys aren't harsh! It's the only way i'll learn to make a superb model!

cheerz Q.
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England - South West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, December 21, 2004 - 08:28 AM UTC

Quoted Text

Also, (not your fault/oversight), is that as-is, the Tamiya kit's flaps are all down.

Since this is due to the effect of gravity on the flaps after the hydraulic pressure bleeds down, I don't agree (as does none of the pictures I can find) with them showing an assembled folded-wing version with the outer wing flaps down, since those flaps would stay up until the wings were later folded down, and only if the engine were not started first (which would restore hydraulic pressure).

From the references that I have it would appear that if the flaps are down on the inner part of the wing then the flaps are down on the outer part of the wing. This appears to go against gravity but apparently there is a mechanicle connection between the flaps which causes this. In F4U Corsair in action most pictures with wings folded show the outer flaps up. However it isn't possible to see the inner flaps so this isn't conclusive. There is a picture on page 35, showing 3 F4U-2 night fighters. You can't see the flaps on the rear one but the center one has all flaps down and the front one has all flaps up.
I have also read a long thread on this subject on another forum. The conclusion was as I have stated above.
North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, December 21, 2004 - 08:51 AM UTC
From the Cavanaugh Flight Museum Website-

NOTE-Wing up, Flaps down.

Excellent work, Quinten. At age 17,with this only your 3rd, I can see great things for you in the future. Just follow the advice given by the members here & you're sure to dazzle us all!