Hi Ollie,
I concur completely. While some on the site use the lighter colors on LOU and the others, I note that this is glare from the sun. Not the foreground (foresky??) E2*S, its fuselage deck is nice and dark OD; it is banking slightly towards the camera, thus the sun is not washing out the OD.
For those who argue, I point out then that LOU's underwing color is just as dark as the fuselage top--would they argue LOU's underwing is OD or blue?
FWIW, I once flew with the son of the USAF Museum curator; we once discussed how, to the chargrin of modelers and the P-51 dealer in Fort Wayne, USAFM decided to settle the controversy. They had the film anyalized and had affidavits by the pilots--the color was OD.
While it is fun to note 56th FG purple and other non-standard painted P-47s, I maintain we ought not let the exceptions cloud the rules.
THAT said, I am becoming a "build your models for fun" person, although I still think we ought to build what is known for shows.
If they demand your loyalty, give them integrity; if they demand integrity, give them your loyalty.--Col John Boyd, USAF
“Any plan where you lose your hat is a bad plan.”