General Aircraft
This forum is for general aircraft modelling discussions.
Stay tuned! :-)
Staff MemberSenior Editor
United Kingdom
Joined: June 11, 2003
KitMaker: 17,582 posts
AeroScale: 12,795 posts
Posted: Monday, January 03, 2005 - 11:13 AM UTC
Hi everyone

A little late, I know, but here's a Happy New Year and a welcome back to all things Aircraft on Armorama!

We have got absolutely MASSES of new stuff to see the year in! (That'll teach me not to clear off for a week or so..!)

So.... a HUGE thank you to everyone who's submitted stuff! It's not "lost in the system" and I am on the case.

It's going to be a big catch up job... but that's what I like! My day job seems determined to get in the way during January, but I'll add stuff at every opportunity and try to keep you all up to date individually... that said, if you think something has slipped through the net... let me know.

As always, keep 'em coming!
