General Aircraft
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I need you help with this.
Aragua, Venezuela
Joined: November 13, 2002
KitMaker: 158 posts
AeroScale: 0 posts
Posted: Friday, January 28, 2005 - 03:28 PM UTC
Hi, I've project with the Hasegawa F-18C in 1/48 scale and I wanna know Which of this books are the best for you pictures and details for I but it?
My choose is this are the best?:
1- F-18A/C Hornet Lock On #15 Willy Peeters, VP Publications 1990.
2- F/A-18 Hornet Walkaround 18 Davis & Neil, Squadron/Signal 1999.
3- USNAVY Hornet Units of Operation Iraqi Freedom
(ISBN-1841768014) Part 1 Osprey Combat Aircraft N°47.
If there are someone best just letf me know.

Thank for you help.