We gotta stop meeting like this
Airfix's 1/48 aircraft kits were top of the line when they started coming out in the late 1970's, especially their Hurricane and Bf 109F. Even their Spitfire, Stuka and Hawker Fury biplane were pretty good, and the Spitfire has gotten a new lease on life in recent months with the Seafire I/II/III release based on the Mk. V.
And for a Sea Harrier, Airfix is still the only 1/48 game in town except for conversions.
In today's terms, all of those 1/48 kits in their original form are a bit clunky in the interior detail arena when stacked next to comparable Hasegawa and Tamiya kits. Some of the exterior details are still 1970's state-of-the-art. But the outlines were generally accurate, panel lines were a mixed of delicate raised and recessed detail, and they can be found a lot cheaper sometimes that the Tamiya and Hasegawa counterparts.
I personally think the Hurricane and Spit still stack up pretty well with a bit of work and new decals.