In this series, I show the area where the wing joins the fuselage. The first two photos were taken before I applied putty, the other two after.

If it dosen't look like there was much of a gap to begin with, well, there's no gap now!!!
To fill the gap, I used the putty + nail polish remover trick. This method works well, but I've got a few tips:
-Work in a
very well ventilated area! Putty and nail polish remover together create a lot of unhealthy fumes!!!
-If you can, use this method
before any paint is applied! As you can see, the nail polish remover just stripped the acrylic paint off!, creating a big mess!
-this is a good method to use if you are working around areas where you don't want to sand any details off...
Here is a pic of my Corsair as it looks, glued together. (was taken before I filled the gaps by the wings)
