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pre shading experiment pt 2
England - East Midlands, United Kingdom
Joined: March 23, 2003
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Posted: Thursday, March 31, 2005 - 07:57 AM UTC
heres the underside of my 108 after the final finish coat, i filled in between the lines, left it for 24 hours, then feathered light coats of paint over until i was happy with the look. have an idea for preshading the top of the aircraft that you guys might find interesting, i just need to work out the final details on that one and will post the results up. in the meantime heres the bottom
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England - South West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Thursday, March 31, 2005 - 10:17 AM UTC
So you have used Brett Greens method? I must admit at being a little confused at the reason for filling in the panel areas first, I just paint the whole lot it comes out just the same. I also use a white primer coat, this method works for darker top colours as well, although it is much more difficult to achieve the aim. I too have a new method in mind for pre-shading darker colours and I'm interested in what you are achieving Phil. Looking forward to what you have
District of Columbia, United States
Joined: February 12, 2005
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Posted: Thursday, March 31, 2005 - 11:11 AM UTC
Well... it looks great!
Do you feel its been worth the effort? That is to say... will you be doing this again in the future?

England - East Midlands, United Kingdom
Joined: March 23, 2003
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Posted: Friday, April 01, 2005 - 08:36 AM UTC
i wouldnt exactly say im using any one persons method, what ive done is to check out what lots of diferent people have done with pre shading,get an idea of how it can look the most effective, and find my own way with it. this model is basicly a £2.99 kit to use as a test bed, because up to now ive only used pre shading on single colour aircraft, and as i say i am in the process of figuring out an easier way to do 2 or 3 colour (plus mottle which was the original reason i got this kit, just to practise mottling) the main reason i filled in the panels is so i can correct and straighten any wobbly dark lines, as a decorator myself its not unlike painting a ceiling,and getting your ceiling paint onto the wall, then straightening the line with the wall colour! by the way mal i owe you 2 thank you,s in that, this kit came with raised panel lines that i scribed, using a version of your ez scribe method, and i glazed the dials by brushing kleer over the back, that is one neat trick btw.
big ton,i can't really imagine building kits without pre shading now, and as to was it worth the effort, this technique is probably the best thing that has happened to my modelling since i first bought an airbrush.