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Photoshop question
District of Columbia, United States
Joined: February 12, 2005
KitMaker: 102 posts
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Posted: Thursday, March 31, 2005 - 11:16 AM UTC
Hey all of you photoshop guru’s out there…
I have a question and I hope you can help. I’m wondering if it is possible to remove a specific color from an image…

What I’m trying to do is take a photo of one of my models in front of a “green-screen.” I’d like to be able to remove that background color so that only the image of my kit remains. Now I know I could go in and try to outline the kit manually, but I figure there has to be a better way of doing it.

I’m using photoshop 7…but if you know how to do it in a different version, please tell me anyway and maybe I’ll be able to figure it out.

Thanks in advance gang!


Quebec, Canada
Joined: March 31, 2004
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Posted: Thursday, March 31, 2005 - 12:09 PM UTC
Find the "magic wand" tool or the cutter dealie(!).

Just click on the background and it should be selected, then hit delete and it should be gone.

Michigan, United States
Joined: January 15, 2002
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Posted: Thursday, March 31, 2005 - 01:15 PM UTC
Ollie has it pretty well summed up...a couple of quick thoughts.

If you can, try to eliminate as much variation in the color (and brightness / contrast) of the background as possible. That will make it easier to select with the "Magic Wand" tool. If you are selecting too much, or too little, with the Wand you can de-select the background and change the TOLERANCE. A larger number will select MORE and vice-versa.

Also before you select you need to set the FEATHER (under the SELECT menu) to something other than the BASE number (try 1 to start- vary a bit either way as needed). This will soften the edge when you cut the background away. The edges of your model will blend much better with whatever you put in as a background image.

Final thought for now, make a copy of the image (in a new layer) so if you make a mess out of the image (and I have done it a LOT) you have an original to go back to.

Take your time and be patient.

District of Columbia, United States
Joined: February 12, 2005
KitMaker: 102 posts
AeroScale: 0 posts
Posted: Friday, April 01, 2005 - 01:13 PM UTC
Thanks guys!
I've been playing a little with it and it seems to be working really well! Thanks again for the tips!
