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Have any of you tried xtracryllyx (spelling?)?. I quite like them but once they are dry, it is a real pain to clean your AB. But then again i have never really used enamels in an AB...probbably becasue i do not want to damage my young and healthy (well i hope so) lungs
Here's Rowans review on hannants latest paints
Xtracrylix One of the reasons I don't use acrylic paint is that it just dries to quickly and cloggs your airbrush. You should always wear a mask when spraying anyway, so you want be affected whichever paint you use. If you are sprying acrylics without wearing a mask then the atomised spray is still dangerous.
Thanks for the info, the markings for the single seat nightfighter are in fact for V 056.
Yep the kit does indeed have 2 seperate rudders and nose gear legs. It is obviously a bargin at Ģ12.95 as it also contains the extra parts to build a version with, drop tanks, bombs, morters and rockets. The photo etche parts have been replaced but plastic.