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Soviet Aircraft in Reggia Aeronautica
New York, United States
Joined: May 08, 2003
KitMaker: 55 posts
AeroScale: 7 posts
Posted: Monday, April 04, 2005 - 04:53 AM UTC
The downloadable CFS3 Mediterranean campaign at http://gilles.babin.club.fr/simul-downloads.htm depicts Russian SB-2 and DB-3 bombers in Reggia Aeronautica colors. The site description is in French, which I do not speak. I am intrigued by the color schemes as a kit possibility, and wondered whether these aircraft actually served with the Italians or whether these are fictionalized repaints. If they are indeed valid, would anyone know where I could find pics or information?

Many thanks.

Matt Stahl
Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium
Joined: June 21, 2004
KitMaker: 530 posts
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Posted: Monday, April 04, 2005 - 05:28 AM UTC

No they don't exist !!!

Par manque de bombardier italien, j'ai "habillé" les bombardiers russes SB2m, qui ....

This little passage says: "Because there are no Italian Bombers available i used russian bombers SB2m....

NO Russian bombers

cheerz Q.
New York, United States
Joined: May 08, 2003
KitMaker: 55 posts
AeroScale: 7 posts
Posted: Monday, April 04, 2005 - 05:39 AM UTC
Thanks for the info and French lesson. Too bad, the aircraft look pretty good in Italian colors.