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An excellent experience
Colorado, United States
Joined: January 10, 2005
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Posted: Tuesday, April 12, 2005 - 12:50 PM UTC
Well it shows how small the world can be sometimes!! I had listed the 1/48 Monogram model of the F-105 Thud and when it sold I was contacted by the buyer, well we shot emails back and forth and I found out he lives in Colorado Springs and I live just south in Pueblo. Well his name is Don and I suggested I just meet him at the Air Force Academy where I work and just delivery the model and forget the postage.

Well the same day his payment arrives he emailed me to say he "he had a Doctors appointment at the Academy Hospital" and he could meet me somewhere on base, Of all the luck I told him I work at the Academy Hosptal and just meet me at my office. Now it gets good!!!! The Model is the F-105 THUD which has the box art that shows 2 planes and the front one say's "The Polish Glider" and he tells me to look under the the cockpit rail and there it say"MAJ. DON KUTYNA"

I look at the address label on his envelope "GEN.DON KUTYNA"!!!!!!! I email him and DAMN he is the pilot and THAT WAS HIS PLANE!!!!! can you believe it??? What are the ODD's?? Now I'm sorry I sold it and will have to get another one and build it and have him sign it!!!!!

I posted this in the General topics but felt it should go here too!
District of Columbia, United States
Joined: February 12, 2005
KitMaker: 102 posts
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Posted: Tuesday, April 12, 2005 - 02:30 PM UTC
Dude that is freak'n sweeeeet!
You totally need to get another one of those kits! If only to have him sign the box!

You lucky dog....
England - East Midlands, United Kingdom
Joined: March 23, 2003
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Posted: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 - 07:15 AM UTC
a similar thing happened to me, when i was a civilian instructor with the A.T.C. we had a new member of staff join, as we were talking i mentioned the name of a guy i have worked with for twenty odd years, it turned out, he was the new guys uncle! not that big a coincedence you might think, but as part of my induction i had to do a weekend course at R.A.F. newton somtime later, and i was telling some of the people on the course about this, and i mentioned my workbuddys street, to which one of the instructors asked me "what streetname was that?" it then turned out that he lived opposite my workmate! it is a VERY small world if you ask me
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England - South West, United Kingdom
Joined: September 30, 2002
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Posted: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 - 08:13 AM UTC
I have the kit, but I'm afraid it aint for sale It will get built when I get through re-scribing it.
If you hadn't of sold it you wouldn't have met him and it is only fair that he has a model of his aircraft