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1CD needs an Apache AH-64D
Texas, United States
Joined: April 19, 2005
KitMaker: 1 posts
AeroScale: 0 posts
Posted: Monday, April 18, 2005 - 10:47 PM UTC
I am currently working with the 1st Cav Division to construct an exhibit about the War on Terror. One of the exhibit artifacts is a section from rotor blade of an AH-64D and I would like to show a nicely made scale model of the aircraft next to the piece.

Would anyone be interested in donating a large scale model to the 1CD Museum for this purpose?

Background: Apparently the 1CD sent some units to Iraq during OIF1. An Apache Longbow was damaged during an engagement and was forced to land. The Iraqi regime quickly sent out photos showing the 'capture' aircraft under Iraqi guard. The aircraft was later destroyed (by U.S. forces) and the crew was safely returned home. The museum has a section of the rotor blade but this artifact is somewhat unrecognizable to your run of the mill civilian. I would like to show a scale model next to the blade with the blade section elegantly highlighted on the model.

Would anyone be interested?

kind regards,
Anton Webber
Florida, United States
Joined: May 16, 2002
KitMaker: 17,694 posts
AeroScale: 1,728 posts
Posted: Tuesday, April 19, 2005 - 02:17 AM UTC
Not many guys do large scale helos here. You might have better luck at, Finescale Modeler Helo Forum. Bunch of great guys there. I'm sure someone can help you out.

Edit: I posted a link to your post in the FSM forum for you. Hope that helps.

Also, as a note, the only D model Apache in large scale (1/35, no D model in 1/32, but close enough)is the Kangnam kit and it is not very accurate. The most accurate 1/32 Apache is the Revell A model. Cobrahistorian over at FSM forum is currently converting 2 Revell A models into D models and he has built a couple others as well. He is about to go to flight school to become an Army AH-64D pilot.

Once a CAV Trooper , always a CAV Trooper. I was in 1CD from 95-98, 3-82 FA and 1-21FA (MLRS).

First Team! Red Team!