Thanks guys, some interesting points, I like the idea of the thumbnails in the voting thread, so I'll see about trying that next month.
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To view the entries you have to open the thread to see them. Then to vote you have to search the aircraft forum to open a seperate thread. Maybe one thread showing the entries should be used with a link on that page to vote would be better?
Yep, the idea of putting the entries into the gallery was, a) to group them together so they could be compared and checked out, without the comments etc and b) so that members on dial up could have a look at all the entries, without having to wait for full size picks to load. The problem with that system is that, unless you have a look at the original thread, you don't get the info about the model. Maybe I can add that to the thumb nails in the voting thread? This would give a one stop for those hwo what it and with a link to the gallery as well all bases should be covered.
There was a problem with one of the MOM's, in that some of the pics were not jpegs and I couldn't open the file after copying them. It ended up the Rowan did it, which somewhat defeated the object of me doing this to release him. So I will, probably, have to make a rule that all pics are jpeg format and hosted in the KitMaker gallery. This will have the advantage of making this all the easier, I think.
Any more ideas? the voting will close at midnight GMT and I'll count the votes on Sunday morning.