Hey Rob, Wolfman,
Thanks...This build reminded me of the old Revell 1/32nd kits back in the seventies. You know, nothing seems to fit?
It is not an easy kit by any means. Modelling skills are definitely needed. I chose not to display the finely detailed Allison engine nor the cowl 50's. The fit up of the intermediate cowling and the engine cover was horrific. I ended up having to split the gun cover with a razor saw and widen it about 1mm. Wing to fuselage fit was less than ideal, plenty of filler used. I had issues when trying to close the fuselage, the cockpit tub locators are out of position, this must be corrected because it will cause the canopy no to fit later.
The one bright spot were the decals, they were excellent. The big knock on this kit is the shallow cockpit, as you can see, it really has little impact overall. It is too shallow, but unless you're really looking close, it's no big deal.
The paint is all Tamiya acrylic, JA Green, Flat Earth, and IJN Gray. The exception is interior green enamel for the pit and wheel wells. The camo pattern was a challenge as it was executed using no masks. Especially considering that on the wings, the green pattern had to show where the British roundels were painted out.
Those who pay the high price for this kit expecting a Tamiya - like experience are going to be very upset. This is an "old school" kit, requiring experience to complete satisfactorily.