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More Scenes from Iraq
Utah, United States
Joined: October 09, 2003
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Posted: Tuesday, May 17, 2005 - 11:37 AM UTC
Figured I would start another topic instead of finding the old one.

Toby Keith made recently made his third visit to Iraq in the last two years. Tom and his buddies got to fly him to several FOB's get some pics and signatures and watch him perform.

There are now 99 pics in this gallery on my site. Please stop by and check them out.
Missouri, United States
Joined: March 30, 2002
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Posted: Tuesday, May 17, 2005 - 01:37 PM UTC
You got some great pictures there. I love the sandstorm series. Reminds me of when I was there in O3' and 04'. That is a really great picture of the Spec Ops Blackhawk also. Too bad you didn't get some more pictures of that bird.
Mississippi, United States
Joined: February 26, 2003
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Posted: Tuesday, May 17, 2005 - 05:26 PM UTC
I'm not too much of a country music fan , but I did go to both shows in Baghdad yesterday . We do appericate Mr. Kieth taking the time to come over here to entertain us . It was pretty cool . having fun in the sun toad .
Texas, United States
Joined: May 30, 2002
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Posted: Tuesday, May 17, 2005 - 08:42 PM UTC
Arrgghh!! You go to go to the one at Danger? I hate you toad Dude I wanted to go to that show bad. It really didnt matter anyway, I go bloody re-assigned so no more missions for me.

Thanks for sharing the pics phil.