Thought I would add a little humor to the Aircraft world My Jolopy with his Belly enhanced pilot Ian I promise not to corrupt you gents tooo much :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) Can I enter him into aircraft of the month
Modeling is the ability to challenge the fences of the world
Moselle, France Joined: May 15, 2005
KitMaker: 5,653 posts
AeroScale: 4,347 posts
This looks cool! Could be a feature in the next Harry Potter movie! But you don't said if it is a WW1 or WW2 "what if" project!? It is a "What if" is it? :-)
P.S. the pilots looks like my old Art Teatcher Monsieur Chibi. I didn't knew he was retired in Australia...
Better think one hour and build five minutes...
Than think five minutes and build an hour!
England - South West, United Kingdom Joined: September 30, 2002
KitMaker: 8,581 posts
AeroScale: 4,913 posts
Thank you for allowing this Mad entry to your illustious part of the site. Jean Luc the Gyrocopter hopefully never left anyone draft board The original came from a drawing by John Blanche for Games workshop and produced as a 1/64 whitemetal model. I have put my own twist and used multiple media to bring "J" into being and have tried to recreate the colours of a sopwith Ian #:-)
Modeling is the ability to challenge the fences of the world