Primed with Floquil silver, painted with Polly Scale RLM 78, 79 & 80, etc. Amazing how hard Polly Scale dries and resists tape. Built OoB, except for brake piping, and seat belts made of cloth tape and chain link.
I decided to build the machine lightly weathered. Seems the attrition of the bomber Geschwaders was so high I figured not many planes would live to get banged up and chipped. First I painted it in the three color camo. Then I decaled it. What I've read indicates the over-water squiggly Wassermuster camo was field-applied, so I allowed it to obscure some markings.
The JU-88's exhaust pattern is very interesting. At first I thought it was shadow, but photos without shadow show the heavy soot blasted out of the pipes and was carried up the nacelle and over the leading edge, as well as under the wing.
The kit decals were troublesome, taking three sheets to complete the bird. The gear, too. Multi-part, one strut broke and had to be grafted to the bulkhead inside the wheel well AFTER the wing was assembled. Finally, the canopy, after much sanding and tweaking, still doesn't fit well. As I've posted before, looking at many JU-88 photos shows the real canopy didn't fit like a filled-N-sanded model, either, so I decided "good enough" is the motto, and it was time to finish the beast.
Overall, a nice model, but be ready to work for it as it is a modular kit.
ABOVE, Just over the small seat, you can see the 'bathtub' gunner's twin MGs.
Note, the red in lower left nose isn't the bombadier after a fighter attack, it is the red on the cup in front of the plane.