This is my A-10W, what I like to call a Whiskey Hawg, kinda like the Whiskey Cobra in USMC service... It's still a WIP, I'm doing a wash on the weapons and underside and the decals still have to go on, but it's getting closer to being done. I thought I'd share a few photos with you all and get some feedback.
This kit is the 1/48 offering from Hobbycraft. I bought it because it was cheap, and the quality is so-so. It has a mix of engraved and raised panel lines and some soft details (non existant in the flight instruments).
Well, here goes:
This is the instrument panel right off the sprue. Nice, huh?
Here is what I did with bits from a leftover Mosquito PE fret, some scrap styrene and aluminum sheet.
Here's a couple shots of the office.
Now, I had been going back and forth on the paint scheme for this one. I didn't want another grey bird on the shelf. One day I lost my mind (spent the better part of the afternoon looking for it) and decided to try MARPAT. Yes, digital camo for my A-10! Well, here's what I came up with:
Well, I'm pretty happy with the results, and I hope to have this one completed soon. Thanks for taking the time to look.