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Tamiya 1/72 Spitfire Mk.1 In Progress pics
Victoria, Australia
Joined: November 08, 2002
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Posted: Tuesday, July 26, 2005 - 06:54 PM UTC
G'day guys
First off, Hooroo to all of you, alot of people have mentioned that ive been MIA around armorama for a while now, but im still here, just playing sneaky pete.
not the worlds biggest Aircraft modeller, but it is the form of modelling i first started with, and every now and then i like to build a bird or two.
So here's an in between projects project.
Tamiya's 1/72 Spitfire Mk.1.
Armed with FSM Battle of Britain issue, Squadrons Spitfire's in action, some plasticard and brass wire, i decided to scratchbuild the missing details inside the cockpit, ive started with the side panels.

Now i'm gonna ask something of all of you, i am posting the pics here for two reasons, one because i reckon some of you might enjoy seing them, and two, i'd like some "constructive" critisism, think of this as a soft Critics Corner for now :-) As i'm not brave enough to post them there.

In this first picture, the white parts are the ones i added, im not entirely sure what they even are, i just copied what i saw on the real thing.
In the right half of the fueselage (top piece) youll notice a tightly looped cable, thats the oxygen mask i believe, after a bit of reading around i think the bottom part of the tube is meant to be hanging down, but oh well, ya cant really notiuce that when the half are together, but anyway, about that bit, i realise its meant to connect to a oxygen tank behind the seat, well i couldnt run the cable back there, so i thought i'd cut it short, besides you cant see back there when the halves are together anyway.
So tell me what you all think so far....

Ok, here it is painted up, comments on the interior colour would be good, ive seen so many different shades, ones alot lighter, darker, i decided to stay as neatural as i could by going for an in between tone.
One thing i am pretty happy with is the shading around the raised panel lines, and the highlighting on the lines themselves.

Ok, here is the seat n' such, i saw some red seats and brown seats, i liked brown better so i went with that, still have to add the seat belts though.

Ok, so that't it for now, to anyone who read this all, i appreciate your patience

p.s. waiting for daytime so i can take pics of the instrument panel and seat with seat belts.
Victoria, Australia
Joined: September 19, 2003
KitMaker: 708 posts
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Posted: Tuesday, July 26, 2005 - 10:47 PM UTC

Very nicely done with the 'scratch build' your bird looks fine so far, with or without the additional wires as the kit detail is adiquate for some basic modelling. Most of us have a habit of adding 'little bits' to the basic model here and their, just for the more realistic approach.

On another note:
I built a B of B Spitfire IIb using the Tamiya 48 Spitfire Mk's I and Vb kits, with the remaining parts allowed me to build a Mk Va Spitfire.
Victoria, Australia
Joined: November 08, 2002
KitMaker: 2,832 posts
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Posted: Wednesday, July 27, 2005 - 11:36 AM UTC
Thanks mate.
Where are the rest of you at.
Merlin, Holdfast, i would like to see your imput very much lads

Ok, so here is where i am at right now, the seat and instrument panel is done.
Hand painted.
The seat belt's are aluminium foil.

Moselle, France
Joined: May 15, 2005
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Posted: Wednesday, July 27, 2005 - 04:54 PM UTC
Hi David!

I like the way your spitfire is turning out... at least in the cockpit area! I'm looking forward to see more in-progress pictures! Talking about pictures! What type of camera are you using? I think the pictures are a little blurry and don't do justice to your work. Do you use "macro mode" or something else? Just curious!


P.S. Merlin is away for a couple of weeks I think, so he won't be able to answer for a while!
Victoria, Australia
Joined: November 08, 2002
KitMaker: 2,832 posts
AeroScale: 224 posts
Posted: Wednesday, July 27, 2005 - 05:45 PM UTC
Thanks mate
Well, i think my pics are ok, the reason they are a little blurry is i didnt set up my good lighting as usual, and simply saved them as Jpg's through paint, so it gave the pics a lil fuzz through that.
Its a Canon, and yes it has macro.