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Another J2M3 Raiden in 1/48
Luzon, Philippines
Joined: January 05, 2004
KitMaker: 106 posts
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Posted: Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 12:47 PM UTC
This is my 1st Japanese plane in 1/48. I tried to re-create the weathering based on the actual B&W photos that I downloaded from the web.

the photo was taken just after the model has been coated with future.

The Model was primed with Gunze Mr Color Super Stainless. This is a very good paint! bought it from Japan. the finish is just like real stainless!

i applied preshading on top of the stainless paint and then applied the dark green top side and jn light grey on the bottom side. thinned ligthened base color was applied on center part of the panels and then a very thin base color was airbrushed to even out and blend the colors... after the paint has thoroughly dried, i used a 1000-grit sandpaper to lightly sand the top color to expose the stainless color underneath. i have reference for both side of the fuselage, but did not have any for the top of the wings... i just applied my artistic license for weathering the wings...

Hopefully i can finish this by tonight! This is a 4-day build! The tamiya raiden kit is very good. Problematic joint was only the fuselage to wing joint in the lower part. Recommended!
Moselle, France
Joined: May 15, 2005
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Posted: Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 04:29 PM UTC
Hello Archewin!

It's looking good so far! I suppose it's a "fast build" after the time consuming P-51 work you did lately!
Have you decided wich decals you will use? Those with the lightnings?

Luzon, Philippines
Joined: January 05, 2004
KitMaker: 106 posts
AeroScale: 0 posts
Posted: Sunday, July 31, 2005 - 05:01 PM UTC

Quoted Text

Hello Archewin!

It's looking good so far! I suppose it's a "fast build" after the time consuming P-51 work you did lately!
Have you decided wich decals you will use? Those with the lightnings?


yup! my 2nd fast build since the mustang. I already finished a 1/48 Trump P-40B (1 wk) for our local trump expo exhibit.... for this one i'll be using the lightning decals on two sides of the fuselage.
