G'day guys
thanks very much for the comments
Fred, no secret for that, as i still get the same problem, just handle them with care, try not to squeeze them, as being soft plastic they will "squish" a little, this'll make the paint fall right off.
As for how i paint them, i go by a few simple steps, this is how i do it for uniform.
1-undercoat whole fig in light grey
2- paint base color of uniform, this should be the colour the real uniform would be if iy had no creases or anything that would cause shadows and highlights, just the plain color (in most of these RAF guys case, its sorta a light navy blue)
3- mix a little black with that base color and work it into the folds, and creases, only the deep ones though.
4-drubrush the whole uniform in a lighter tone that the original color.
5-if need be, do an even lighter color on the big raised areas, such as pockets, collars, etc...
For faces i give it a simple flesh tone, then with a darker flesh tone, shade in around the mouth, nose, eyes and under chin, then "trim" the shading with the original flesh color, so you have the shading only where you intended (in other words, so the eye shading is correct size, so the shading for mouth is just inbetween lips, etc..)
Do this for hands as well, in between fingers and that.
After that the figs just simple, the small detailing like gold buttons, rank insignia, etc...
Cheers, hope its helped a lil.