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Canopy masks
England - South East, United Kingdom
Joined: April 19, 2005
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Posted: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 - 11:00 AM UTC
Hi there, I would like to pick the brains of the members of this great forum. As I have stated in the subject line I need some help with masking canopies something which has always proven to be a great challenge for me.

I picked up a few packs of Eduards masks for a few aircraft I have and thought my problem was solved, however, upon examining them they proved to be utterly useless to me!

All they contain is thin stringy bits to line the edges of the canopy and then it's out with the fish smelling maskol! If I need maskol anyway what's the point of the stringy bit from Eduard?! Would it have been so difficult to create proper masks that cover all the area meant to be transparent?

Ok with that rant over (WARNING High Frustration Level) I come to my question, does anyone out there make precision cut canopy masks that do the whole job without the need for maskol and other assorted fiddling? I really do hope so, my F-14A is proceeding apace and I would like to have a sharp looking canopy (having gone to the effort of removing that HUGE mould line).

Your help and advice is appreciated.

Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 - 12:56 PM UTC
Phil the biggest problem with liquid mask (as you probably know) is that getting a straight edge is almost impossible which requires you to trim and remove the excess mask once it has hardened, which is something I find impossible to do.

To answer your question though, I don’t know of any pre-cut masks that will cover the entire canopy on an aircraft like the Tomcat. One technique that I have used a lot on canopies of all shapes and sizes that may help you is the old Bare Metal Foil method. This involves cutting a small piece of BMF, peel of the backing and then carefully placing it on the canopy. Once it’s on tamp it down with a tooth pick and then (very) carefully lightly run a new blade along the canopy frame line and remove the excess.

I hope this helps.

Moselle, France
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Posted: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 - 05:18 PM UTC
Hi Phillip!

The Eduard Mask are supposed to do what Maskol can't: provide straight lines. As Darren said, it's impossible to mask an entire canopy with one piece!

I use Tamiya masking tape for my canopies. I put some on the clear plastic part and cut out the windows one after one with a sharp X-acto knife! You better have sure hands! I found this method as fast as the Eduard + Maskol one and a lot less expensive!

Now Eduard do produce new sets of masks with a tape similar to Tamiya's masking tape. Go to the Eduard website and click on "Masking tapes". But I'm not sure Maskol is not needed anymore as I only tried the old green masking tapes.

Anyway, good luck for your F-14A! By the way, what kit and what scale it is? Hasegawa 1/48?

England - South East, United Kingdom
Joined: April 19, 2005
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Posted: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 - 11:34 PM UTC
Thanks for your help guys. I'll have to figure out a system that works for me. As for the kit, I thought my mention of a huge mould line down the length of the canopy would have given the game away. It's the 1/72 Hasegawa Tomcat, VF-33 Tarsiers.

The cockpit is coming along nicely. I didn't like the decals and I doubted my ability to paint the photoetch so I used both. I put on the photoetch, primed the cockpit and put the decals over it with microsol. Looks pretty good though far from accurate, all the knobs and levels are missing though I did scratch build the throttles. I've also replace the kit seats with a nice pair from True Detail.

The only problem now is finding the patience to paint the fiddly bits in the cockpit :-)

Wisconsin, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 - 11:49 PM UTC
Black magic by Meteor productions is a pretty good product for masking canopies.
Ontario, Canada
Joined: March 30, 2004
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Posted: Thursday, August 11, 2005 - 03:42 AM UTC
As Mike has pointed out, Black Magic masks from Meteor Productions are good, but a product called EZ Masks are even better IMHO.

EZ Masks are also pre-cut vinyl, but they are thinner than the Black Magic product. I have also found they work much better at wrapping around complex curves (F-18 comes to mind).

An added bonus is that EZ Masks include masks for basically every clear piece you will find on your aircraft kit (landing lights, CRT's, HUD's, etc).

The owner is a good guy, and he also does custom work if you wish.

And no, I do not work for EZ Masks. I just like his product.

Uusimaa, Finland
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Posted: Thursday, August 11, 2005 - 05:50 AM UTC
If you don't want to play with liquid masks, why not cover up the rest of the canopies with masking tape?