General Aircraft
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IF you have voted in the MOM please read.
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Posted: Thursday, August 18, 2005 - 08:49 AM UTC
Please read the instructions at the begining of the voting thread, it is difficult enough as it is to count the votes and tally them. The request to "only post your votes and nothing else", is to make it easier for me to count them. This thread is to save me all the PMs, so please edit your posts otherwise I will, as it says at the begining of the thread, ignore your vote.
Sorry for this but it is the easiest and quickest way for me to make this request.


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Posted: Thursday, August 18, 2005 - 09:51 AM UTC
Hi Mal,

It's OK with me if you ignore any votes that are not for me :-)
Moselle, France
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Posted: Thursday, August 18, 2005 - 10:06 AM UTC
We should then ignore them all!
Luzon, Philippines
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Posted: Thursday, August 18, 2005 - 12:38 PM UTC

is there a way to include radio buttons that the voters will just tick (3 choices) and then submit it... it will be easier...

Putrajaya, Malaysia
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Posted: Thursday, August 18, 2005 - 01:28 PM UTC

Quoted Text


is there a way to include radio buttons that the voters will just tick (3 choices) and then submit it... it will be easier...


i agree

it is a good feature if system adminstator include some kind of poll and radio button so that any poll will be easy to count and give less headache to people like Mal...
but i dont know if this upgrade will also affect the licence fees for the discuzz codes...

my 2 cents
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Posted: Thursday, August 18, 2005 - 06:25 PM UTC

Quoted Text


is there a way to include radio buttons that the voters will just tick (3 choices) and then submit it... it will be easier...


Hi Erwin

Radio buttons would be great but , as far as I know, the two Poll systems we have available both only allow each member to vote one once.

I originally started the MoM using a standard poll, but the chance to cast 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice votes seems very popular and does ensure a greater spread of votes across all the entries.

All the best

Moselle, France
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Posted: Thursday, August 18, 2005 - 07:47 PM UTC

Quoted Text

I originally started the MoM using a standard poll, but the chance to cast 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice votes seems very popular and does ensure a greater spread of votes across all the entries.

... but makes voting very difficult! The models on display are getting better and better and making a choice is... very complicated at least! I changed my mind several times before voting! And I'm always ashamed I didn't gave points to some entrants.

So one vote, maybe, is not a bad idea. But this is a very egoistic opinion I confess, as it would only make it easier for me to vote...

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Posted: Thursday, August 18, 2005 - 09:01 PM UTC
Hi again

It's odd how this topic rises again and again... we have covered it several times at least - and tried out 3 different voting systems. The present system is most flexible, but does involve MUCH more work for Mal.

I'll check with Mal, as it's his baby, but it might be a good idea if I set up a poll this weekend so everyone can vote for which system they'd like to see the MoM run on. I'm sure Mal won't complain if it means less work for him...

All the best

Staff Member_ADVISOR
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Posted: Thursday, August 18, 2005 - 09:22 PM UTC
I find it amazing that a simple request to simply follow the simple instructions when voting, has turned into a discussion on changing the voting system.

Seems rather self-centered, and rather self-serving to me.

Not one word of "Thanks", or "At a Boy Mal"...... for keeping track of the entries, taking his personal time to do this, post the photos, count the votes, and post the results.

If posting 3 names ONLY is too complicated, and time consuming, perhaps NOT voting would be the answer.
Ain, France
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Posted: Thursday, August 18, 2005 - 10:00 PM UTC

Quoted Text

Sorry for this but it is the easiest and quickest way for me to make this request.

Go on, Holdfast, no sorry about your works!

With this voting problem, I hope that the Staff members could do better as there is many change on the site better and better from my first day on Armorama. It's the first step that counts!

Moselle, France
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Posted: Thursday, August 18, 2005 - 11:10 PM UTC

Quoted Text

If posting 3 names ONLY is too complicated, and time consuming, perhaps NOT voting would be the answer.

Hi Dave!

I didn't said the act of voting was complicated... you're right, it's easy to put three names in a post...

I only said the choice was complicated... therefore giving only one vote would be easier... in an egoistic point of view!

I think the current modus is the best for the moment... until we reach the number of 20+ models and 100+ voters (it is allowed to dream, isn't it?) that would make the counting a real problem for the guy doing the job (Mal are you still here? )

But I also think the Staff Members should delegate more on job like these! No need to be SM to count votes or am I wrong Every "basic" member could do this, as well as launching the MOM thread... Mal would have more time for working on reviews and for simply working on his own models!

Armorama is a community and everyone should be encouraged to help a little bit! I'm new here but I noticed a few people are litteraly sacrifying themselves for the site!

Luzon, Philippines
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Posted: Friday, August 19, 2005 - 12:30 AM UTC

If you need any help... I'm available to count the votes! i want to help.


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Florida, United States
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Posted: Friday, August 19, 2005 - 08:03 AM UTC

Quoted Text

The request to only post your vote and nothing else is to make it easier for me to count them.

I must have missed something this day in school.....

I don't see a request for a different judging system, or asking for any suggestions?

I believe reading his request it is rather clearly written the HELP Mal has requested.......

to simply put 3 names down ...... not addition comments.

I'm sure if Mal wanted someone else to do the MOM, he would post a request for someone to step forward, and take it over for him, since I fail to see this request in his post, I don't think it is what he was asking when he asked everyone to simply put 3 names down to vote!
Moselle, France
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Posted: Friday, August 19, 2005 - 08:47 AM UTC
Ok Dave! Message is clear.

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England - South West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Saturday, August 20, 2005 - 03:48 AM UTC
Sorry guys I didn't mean to start a ruccus
I appriciate the thoughts but I quite enjoy doing it, in a masachistic sort of way. I'm afraid the vote counting can only be a one man job, but thanks for the offer, Erwin.
Jean-Luc, you are correct the choice is difficult, but that's a good thing.
Don't forget you can enter a model up to 3 times, so if it doesn't do as well as you hoped then try again. I have a couple that I will be re-entering
I would actually like to see more of you entering the MOM and, even if you don't enter, voting would be good.
Please remember that this is intended to be fun and to get more models into the gallery.
It is requested that comments go in the MOM entry thread, but I think that the best place for comments would be in the results thread.
I think I will go back to PMing in the future