General Aircraft
This forum is for general aircraft modelling discussions.
Put your digital pens to (digital) paper...
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Posted: Friday, September 23, 2005 - 09:13 AM UTC
Hi there

I started out replying to Emeritus's Sopwith Camel thread. It's great! - So many people asked Eetu to submit a Feature about his build, that he's done just that - and I hope to get it published this weekend.

Sadly, it also hit me how rare this is! Seriously, it's really quite bewildering... all too often we see wonderful builds in the forum that never see the light of day as Feature Articles. I don't want to knock the forum, but the simple truth is that Features get a lot more attention and have a longer "shelf life" than forum entries.

We're all here to learn from each other and the key to that is make our experiences as accessible as possible. The forum is a fantastic way to share info while it's hot - but Features live on... just witness Mal's (Holdfast) articles on using Klear/Future, washes, and applying decals etc., and Martin's (BrandyDog) advice on panel-lining which have helped literally thousands of readers.

We've all got tips to share - so make them stick! Send them in as Content Articles. (Just to put my money where my mouth is, I'm going to pull a couple of my old build-threads together into article-form.)

All the best

Moselle, France
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Posted: Friday, September 23, 2005 - 05:41 PM UTC
Hi Rowan!

Count on me for a feature and review overflow in the next days!

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Posted: Friday, September 23, 2005 - 08:00 PM UTC
Nice one Jean-Luc!

We really do need more content and it'll be great to have more of yor exellent work. I look forward to the "overflow" - that's tempted fate... it sounds like I could have a few late nights editing ahead!

Seriously, keep 'em coming and all the best

England - East Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Saturday, September 24, 2005 - 03:08 AM UTC
i started to write a a feature on my next build, but it needs a new canopy, and ive been away for a while..... however, im just getting the hang of microsoft word and from now on intend to document and submit as much stuff as i can. hey, just imagine the brownie points when i tell people i have articles published in an international modelling magazine!
Moselle, France
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Posted: Saturday, September 24, 2005 - 06:34 AM UTC

Quoted Text

im just getting the hang of microsoft word

Hi Baron!

Nice to see you again! Hope you had great time...
I know this is but while you are trying new computer programs, you should give a try to IL2 FB as well! We still have something to discuss! :-)

Delaware, United States
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Posted: Saturday, September 24, 2005 - 08:04 AM UTC
I'll be dropping a review in your lap too!
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Posted: Saturday, September 24, 2005 - 08:08 AM UTC

Quoted Text

...while you are trying new computer programs, you should give a try to IL2 FB as well!

Hi Jean-Luc

I've been having a look at Pacific Fighters from the IL-2 developers... a very good way to get no modelling OR Armorama done if you give it the attenntion it deserves!

Have fun

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Posted: Saturday, September 24, 2005 - 08:13 AM UTC
Believe me guys it's quite a thrill to see an article of your own "up in lights" and it aint as difficult as you might think. The editors do all the hard work, the main difficulty for the auther is probably supplying good pics.
If any of you would like to submit an article but are not sure if it will be up to standard drop Rowan or me a PM or email and we can put you mind at rest. Have a look at the guidlines as well.
Rowan I have a couple in the pipeline but I'm up to my neck in the old swamp full of crocs. My spray booth is no more and untill I can finish my workshop I can't start on the IPMS ArmoramaUK stand elements, my new spray booth is being housed there as well
Moselle, France
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Posted: Saturday, September 24, 2005 - 08:18 AM UTC

Quoted Text

I've been having a look at Pacific Fighters from the IL-2 developers... a very good way to get no modelling OR Armorama done if you give it the attenntion it deserves!

Well... errr... ... I think it's a question of organisation!

My goal is to have a session per week with some Armorama members... that's not to much General Merlin! I promise I'll also fulfil my duty and do my regular modeling and review/feature writing!

By the way, did you know I designed the Okinawa map in Pacific fighters...

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Posted: Saturday, September 24, 2005 - 08:27 AM UTC
If the system aint your cup of tea submit your article via email.
Not all articles will make the grade, there must be a standard. But if you document a build, explaining what you did and where and why you deviated from the kit instructions, also highlighting your "tricks of the trade" and include pics of each stage then you can't go far wrong.
Of course articles aren't ignored and if there is a problem the auther is notified. I wouldn't expect an article to appear for 2-3 weeks and I wouldn't badger anyone if it hadn't. Remember all editors, moderators etc are volunteers and they all do a remarkable job, they give their time freely to the site and are human, so mistakes will happen.
If you do submit an article and you have a concern send a PM.
England - East Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Saturday, September 24, 2005 - 08:52 AM UTC

Quoted Text

Quoted Text

im just getting the hang of microsoft word

Hi Baron!

Nice to see you again! Hope you had great time...
I know this is but while you are trying new computer programs, you should give a try to IL2 FB as well! We still have something to discuss! :-)


i hear you! ill see what happens with il2-fb tomorrow, the last couple of days have been a little hectic, but i should get some time to sort out some modeling, some computer games, some diecast restoration some beer.....you know all the important stuff you have to do on sundays
Moselle, France
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Posted: Saturday, September 24, 2005 - 09:02 AM UTC
Hi all!

I think writting reviews or features here at Armorama is like learning to ride a bicycle... the first attempt is the most difficult one! But if you hang on it, it becomes quite easy... and the editors are helping you if you do something wrong (bad pictures, spelling errors etc...) Mal even managed to make me use less !!!!!! in my posts! :-)

I'm writing this while I'm editing the pictures of some reviews... so you don't have to worry about not having enough work to do in the next days dear editors :-) (sadistic laugh)

Baron, give it a try! Emeritus and I are waiting for more Armorama pilots to join in. It's like flying with your own models!

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Posted: Saturday, September 24, 2005 - 09:15 AM UTC

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I'm playing devil's advocate here but i know i'm not the only one who has submitted stuff int he past and it has promptly disappeared never to be heard about again...

Hi James

I can only speak for Aircraft - if you've got issues with other site moderators, you really need to take it up with them. Mal's quite right to say that not every article will make the grade - but no Aircraft submission will go unacknowledged while I have any say about things.

That's a bold claim, but I think it's one I intend to live up to - as far as I know, I've never failed to respond to anything that's reached me and I want everyone who takes the trouble to write a submission to know that I (and Mal) treat everything with equal care and attention.

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Now one of the problems i have encountered is the system too submit articles and features, you make one mistake on the thing and it's back to square one.

This is an old point; it's true that not everyone gets on with the on-line submission forms - which is why Staff_Jim set up the Support Centre.

However you submit material, I recommend you write it OFF-LINE. There's always the chance of losing your Internet connection, so it's simply not worth the risk when you can just paste an edited piece of text into the form or submit as a file.

There are 3 different ways to submit material:

1. Use the on-line forms (but, as I say, write the material offline and just paste it in).

2. Send the material to the Support Centre.

3. E-mail it direct to me at [email protected].

Hopefully, somewhere between that lot, nobody can claim the system stops them submitting.

All the best

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Posted: Saturday, September 24, 2005 - 09:23 AM UTC

Quoted Text

By the way, did you know I designed the Okinawa map in Pacific fighters...

Hi Jean-Luc

I didn't like that one... just kidding! :-)

I hadn't realised; I was flying a Seafire over there the other week... I should have another look!

I've just started a new career at Pearl Harbour, so it'll be a while before I get back. It's a great game - superb graphics; I downloaded the latest update... incredible effects. I think the Battle of Britain is coming soon... I can hardly wait.

All the best

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Posted: Saturday, September 24, 2005 - 10:01 AM UTC
Hi James

Thanks for the pesonal kind words; I appreciate it.

Ironically, contacting me directly actually bypasses the "system". Although I'm absolutely happy to get submissions direct, it does mean that - if I'm on holiday or otherwise unable to log on - they won't be logged or seen by any other staff members; if there's a problem, no-one else will be able to help,. So, for that reason alone, I'd recommend anyone uses the online form or the Support Centre.

I would say a 3-week response time is too long. Allowing for work and international time zones, I aim to reply to anything with a couple of days. Getting the final piece published may well take longer (which I think is what Mal is referring to), but I fully appreciate the frustration of not knowing whether something you sent in has been received (remember - I wasn't always "staff" ... so I've been in exactly that situation ).

I'm sorry if you've had troubles with other forums - I wish I could sort them out. The best I can offer is to promise to continue to do my best to keep Aircraft running smoothly.

All the best

Singapore / 新加坡
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Posted: Saturday, September 24, 2005 - 10:15 AM UTC

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all too often we see wonderful builds in the forum that never see the light of day as Feature Articles. I don't want to knock the forum, but the simple truth is that Features get a lot more attention and have a longer "shelf life" than forum entries.

You make a really good point here but i think alot of fellow modellers who are genuinely good just dont know it or are too humble to admit it.

I feel the best way is to acquire more feature articles is for more scouts to be on the lookout for good builds in the forums and invite these modellers to either create the feature article for the model that was constructed OR the next one.

Modellers dont tend to create models and think about doing a feature article on it so giving them the extra motivation of inviting them to do so would certainly add more activity to the Featured section on this site.

Just my 0.02 anyway.
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England - South West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Saturday, September 24, 2005 - 11:56 PM UTC
James, sorry if my comments came over a bit touchy, I was nackered after a long squawk (been building a workshop, pics soon, I hope) I figured that you weren't refering to "Aircraft" as I know Rowan does an outstanding job. I just wanted to make sure that the new, potential, authers out there know that there is help available.

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As for Mal's comments about taking 3 weeks to upload an article or feature, this i don't understand?

I said this because it can take some time to get an article ready for publication, especially if there are a few queries, or the pictures aren't up to spec. What I really meant though was remember the editors are volunteers and do have a life(?) outside of Armorama. Rowan spends a heck of a lot of time editing and shouldn't be held to account if articles don't appear in a couple of days. I was also covering my back, a little, because it does take me longer to get things out (I'm not as well educated as Rowan but I do build models
Just like to add something here. The Aircraft section has grown and continues to grow, but we still take a back seat (in terms of size only) to Armour. This possibly stems from the title of the site. On most other multi genre forums Aircraft take the lead (in terms of size) and I would like to see the Aircraft forum here rival the Armour forum. We are doing well but the more of us there are the closer that goal will be. one way towards that goal is to increase the number of articles.
I have just had a thought (ouch) If punters take a look at articles already written and are building a kit featured, or have a different angle on the same idea then an article on that subject would be great. It is always better to highlight the different ways and approaches to the same thing. Look at my Oil washes and Martins "panel lines with a pencil" two totally different approaches to the same thing, which gives the modeller a neat choice. So if you would like to write an article and aint sure what to write about take a look at the articles page
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Posted: Sunday, October 02, 2005 - 06:45 AM UTC
Hi there

It's really great to see people ready to step up to the crease - we really do need more Content in the Aircraft section and it will be an extra bonus to get new authors prepared to share their skills with us all.

Now, in the light of my previous promises about turnaround times, I think it's only fair to warn anyone submitting material that my back seized up last week - I won't say I "injured" it, because that sounds far too dramatic... rather, it just locked up!

Anyway, the result is that I can't spend as much time editing for Armorama as I'd like. I'll still acknowledge all the submissions as they come in - just give me a little extra slack publishing them before you hit the panic button! I'll probably be lying on the floor straightening my spine! :-)

Keep 'em coming...

Rowan aka "The Pilates Kid"
Moselle, France
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Posted: Monday, October 03, 2005 - 04:11 AM UTC
Hi Rowan!

Good to see you on the forums again!

I've sended the first batch of articles with the Support Center... more to come soon! You asked for it!

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Posted: Monday, October 03, 2005 - 06:13 AM UTC
Cheers Jean-Luc

I'll get on the case.

All the best

England - East Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Monday, October 03, 2005 - 07:00 AM UTC
due to the fact that my fw190 has come to a grinding halt, i started to write an article about the duel over spain 109, whilst not planning to write articles about stuff i build at the time, i do keep a photographic record of my progress on my 'puter, so i have the option to do quite a few articles in the future
Kozani, Greece / Ελλάδα
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Posted: Sunday, November 13, 2005 - 12:54 AM UTC
Hi there Rowan!
I thought about to post a feature of my makings but then again i am not as good as the others here are so i can't really post any good feature!
All my models so far where OOTB.Here i learned and i'm learning a lot of things!Maybe in the future i'll fill ready enough to post my feature here!
Thanks again for all the help!