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Difference between Bf-109 E 3 and 4
Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium
Joined: June 21, 2004
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Posted: Saturday, September 24, 2005 - 12:13 AM UTC
Doe anuone know the biggest differences between those two Emil variants?

cheerz Q
England - North East, United Kingdom
Joined: May 03, 2002
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Posted: Saturday, September 24, 2005 - 12:50 AM UTC
The most visable difference was the heavier framed canopy used on the E-4. There were also changes to the armament, the 20mm cannon fireing through the prop hub was discontinued on the E-4. The wing mounted guns were also upgraded from 7.92mm MG17's to 20mm MG FF cannon early in the E-3 production run, improved MG FF/M's in the E-4.
Gelderland, Netherlands
Joined: September 17, 2003
KitMaker: 253 posts
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Posted: Monday, September 26, 2005 - 06:13 PM UTC
Those are the "factory" differances, but a lot of 109's were upgraded in the field. Looking at photos, one could easily mistake an E-3 for an E-4 or E-7.
If you want to model a specific 109, checking the werknummer would give you more insight to which plane was which version.