I see they sell interesting aircraft in 1/72nd, like some sea furys, F86 sabre, t38 talon... Are these good models ? Are they old stuff reboxed ? Are these difficult models like mpm ?
PM Models is the former Pioneer from Turkey under a different name, but same models. Most of these are of poor quality, some are fair. I think they are the only ones doing a dual seat Sea Fury in 1/72. I have their Su-21 Flagon F and frankly, that kit is going to need a lot of work to bring it up to acceptable standards. Panellines are mostly raised and the moldings are crude, sometimes with flash and sinkholes. Be sure to check if you can't get the model from another (better) manufacturer.... HTH
David M.
"...and then God vanished in a puff of logic. And Man went on to prove that white is black and black is white, and got himself killed on the next zebracrossing..."
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
Hauts-de-Seine, France Joined: April 11, 2002
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