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I need Luftwaffe Nighfighter Camo Schemes
Wisconsin, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 - 09:44 PM UTC
I need pictures, or profiles of Luftwaffe nightfigter camo schemes. In particular a DO-335. But anything will work.


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United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 - 10:30 PM UTC
Hi Chip

If you're looking for inspiration, Les King (Matrixone) has entered a very nice Do 335 nightfighter in this month's MoM.

All the best

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England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 - 11:06 PM UTC
Hi Chip, here is a link for you to try. It might help, but then again it might not :-)
Illinois, United States
Joined: May 03, 2005
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Posted: Wednesday, October 12, 2005 - 02:48 AM UTC
Hello Chip,

I think Do-335 nightfighter did not exist but you can do something similar from other fighters. Many of them are overall RLM76 with spots or squiggles of RLM75. Some have black bottoms or half of the wing are black.

Check out this link for profiles......

Here's mine I built last year.

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Tennessee, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, October 12, 2005 - 04:47 AM UTC
Hi Chip,

Here is the first page of 144 Do-335 pix Do-335 Dunno if any Nachtjäger Pfeils are shown. Look around the site and there are other Nachtjäger types, too.

The Official Monogram Painting Guide to German Aircraft 1935-1945 tells that the change to the final official Nachtjäger scheme of overall RLM 76 Lichtblau with RLM 75 Grauviolett mottling took place in winter 42/43. Overall RLM 22 black was officially adopted in March 1941 and continued to appear until early ' 43.

The last nightfighter to reach service, HE-219's official factory scheme was overall 76 with tight 75 mottle. Lo, some were overall 22 with a mottle of RLM 02 Grau and 75. I am convinced this is the scheme of the sole surviving -219 at NASM: My HE-219 Pix

In ' 44 black reappeared though restricted to only the bottom of the right wing for quick ID by FLaK and searchlight crews.

Late war greens RLM 81-83 appeared on some planes. As of my book's printing and errata, these greens had not been conclusively identified via documentation as to what color is which, nor the proper name for the color;. "...the preponderance of evidence from all sources suggest that..." RLM 81 is known as Brunviolett (Dunkelgrun and Brunviolett by some aircraft companies), 82 as Hellgrun (and twice as Dunkelgrun [yep, same as 81!] by some aircraft companies), and 83 Dunkelgrun. "Hell" in Hellgrun = Bright Green.

The only late plane I found with 22 underside, aside from aforementioned HE-219, is the ME-262 B-1a/U1.

So what does this tiresome drivel have to do with your Nachtjäger Pfeil That for what we know of prototype Nachtjägeren, these are the colors and exceptions; the ME-262 B-1a/U1 can be used as examples of what OKL may have been moving towards. Or you can extrapolate for Luftwaffe ' 46 and try something of your own creation as per Flitzer's 13 part meisterwerk Luft '46 Colours