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JU-52 Eastern Front Questions, Seats/Markings
Wisconsin, United States
Joined: September 01, 2002
KitMaker: 1,864 posts
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Posted: Sunday, October 16, 2005 - 08:35 PM UTC
I've got a couple questions aout a JU-52 on the Eastern Front.

1. For transport duties, were the bench seats in the cabin area removed, or was the cargo put between them in the middle?

2. What markings did they have? The one that I have (Promodeler) has only Spanish National and German (Milos, Greece) markings. I am interested in Eastern Front markings.


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United Kingdom
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Posted: Monday, October 17, 2005 - 09:30 AM UTC
Hi Chip

As far as I can see from a cutaway drawing, the canvas seats were folded and stowed to the sides to allow more room for cargo.

Do you want specific unit markings for the Eastern front, or general camouflage? Aircraft would have carried standard RLM 70 & 71 uppersurfaces with RLM 65 undersides, plus RLM 04 (yellow) theatre markings in the form of a fuselage band and lower wing-tips. In winter a temporary white coat could have been applied over the upper camouflage - this could vary greatly... it could be sparyed or brushed on... and it soon got very weathered.

I hope this helps

Wisconsin, United States
Joined: September 01, 2002
KitMaker: 1,864 posts
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Posted: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 - 08:26 PM UTC

Thank you. I opted to not add the bench seats at all, making more room for my cargo. I added wood blocks that were cut to differant sizes. Sanded and painted. I then took a sharp pointed pen and drew the lines that the boards would have between them to make up a crate. Then I wrote on the sides food, medical, ammunition in German of course. I then cut masking tape into thin strips, superglued them to the crates (up and over) and then painted them black. So now it looks like a real cargo. I also painted red crosses on the sides of the medical boxes. Now all I have to do is wait for my clear sprue from Monogram and I will be set.

Thanks for the help!
