General Aircraft
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airfix P40 oob
England - East Midlands, United Kingdom
Joined: March 23, 2003
KitMaker: 2,124 posts
AeroScale: 788 posts
Posted: Monday, November 14, 2005 - 10:17 AM UTC
heres a pic of my literally just finished airfix 1/72 P40 kit, probably for most british modellers of a certain age the first sharkmouth plane they built (it was for me!) you might be able to spot a little cloudiness on the canopy, it needs another coat of kleer, and some of the decals are still a little shrivelled from micro sol, i took this pic about 30 seconds after the last decal went on (more pics in the aircraft M.O.M. thread)
North Carolina, United States
Joined: June 17, 2005
KitMaker: 95 posts
AeroScale: 33 posts
Posted: Monday, November 14, 2005 - 11:56 AM UTC
Camo turned out nice Phil