josé, a very nice Spitfire I have one in the same markings in the gallery, in aircraft/workbench models.
I'll just point out a few minor things, but there is nothing wrong with your model, I just happen to know the Spitfire a little (I am not an expert).
The exterior canopy framing, as already pointed out, should be the camo colour. Should be quite easy to fix.
Although you have a nice taught antenna wire, I also like to see them a bit thinner on models (your choice of course) I use Invisible mending thread (unpainted). You have got the connection point, on the aerial mast, about right, but it actually goes over a pully and is taught.
British aircraft at the time of the battle of Britain had IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) antenna which went from the tailplane to the fuselage (in the case of the Spitfire entering through a circular insulation disc, in line with the tailplane and behind the radio hatch, on the port side. There is actually a small indent for it on the Tamiya kit.
The arc of the exhaust stain is caused by the air flow over the wing so it would curve slightly above the exhaust pipes then curves down to about the middile of the door, by which time it was almost none evident.
The diagonally moulded thing on the inside of the entrance door is a crowbar. It was quite often painted the flight colour, but black if not. I usually paint it red, 'cos I can
The guns on the Tamiya Spitfire actually represent a pre or early production mark. The 1a didn't have the flash hiders protruding from the leading edge of the wings.
These are very miner details and I have only listed them so you are aware. If I were you I would only change the canopy colour. Oh, there is one other thing, the elevators on Spitfires were usually seen down when the aircraft was at rest, you can see how I did this in my build. Again not something to worry about, just letting you know.
The finishing, decals and weathering are well done, all in all a very nice Spitfire, you should enterit into next months Model of the Month (MOM)
Remember, "you just can't have too many Spitfires"