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Comanche RAH-66
Quebec, Canada
Joined: December 03, 2005
KitMaker: 39 posts
AeroScale: 0 posts
Posted: Monday, December 19, 2005 - 01:30 PM UTC

I didn't post it in rivet, because it's says that it's should be in progress rather than something that need a wash or ...
So here my Comanche, it's and Italeri at 1/72 scale. It's my first aircraft/helicopter, I would like to have some tips because I gonna begin a MIG29A fulcrum and I don't want to mess that build up ... lol So if you see some errors or something that I didn't do, tell me so I can fix it Thx

EDIT: I change the pics with better one

Massachusetts, United States
Joined: May 05, 2002
KitMaker: 8,074 posts
AeroScale: 328 posts
Posted: Monday, December 19, 2005 - 07:06 PM UTC
I can't see any construction problems. The paint is somewhat of a problem, though. What kind of paint is that? You have a very grainy texture. Ligther coats of a thinner mixture might help that. Not to be a color nazi, but the color is too green. These birds, the few that were built, were very dark olive drab. MM helicopter drab or Tamiya's khaki drab would be closer.
Virginia, United States
Joined: May 07, 2003
KitMaker: 1,174 posts
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Posted: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 - 01:19 PM UTC
Before you put decals on you should have posted pics with a build up pic. AL is 100% correct. The color is too green. The correct color is offered from Testors model master line. Helo Olive Drab FS 34031. This color is almost Black. The pics I sent could not have been that far off in color hue or tone. It appears as tho U have some Orange peel as well. Oh decisions decisions