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Trumpeter A-10
California, United States
Joined: October 08, 2002
KitMaker: 893 posts
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Posted: Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 01:13 AM UTC
Howdy, Folks,

Seasons Greetings and a Merry Christmas to all!

I'll say it up front, I am an Armor guy, so I apologize for any ridiculously basic or obvious questions...

Well, while I am waiting on the Fisher Patterns F9F-5 Panther to show up, I pulled out the box for my 1/32nd scale Trumper A-10... Man, I love that plane!!

Having just seen a re-run of the History Channel show "Heavy Metal" on the A-10, I thought that it might be cool to start the kit...

I would like to model it as a Warthog currently serving in either Iraq or Afghanistan. I really like the subtle two tone grey MASK scheme... especially with the "Flying Tigers" sharkmouth.

1) What improvements or fixes --- as minor as possible!) do I have to make to bring the kit up to current-day A-10 standards...? Again, I'm not looking to go too deep (armor guy here!) , but I do want it to be reasonably accurate...
2) I'd love to do the MASK scheme and decal it up as one of the A-10s being flown by female pilots (such as Capt. Danielle Curley or K.C.) --- does anyone know if these or any other female pilots flew A-10s in the MASK gray scheme? What units were these and are there any after-market decals for any of these "Killer Chicks" aircraft...? And I am sure that asking for any female pilot figures in this scale would be out of the question...
3) Any recommendations for Tamiya colors or any other suitable acryllics to paint this scheme?

Thanks again for letting me bombard you with so many questions!!

Regards and Aloha,

Johnny B.

PS I am hoping that a little aircraft modeling will be a nice change of pace from assembling link to link tracks!! Arg!
Texas, United States
Joined: December 22, 2001
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Posted: Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 01:28 AM UTC
I think this is your only bet for female pilots close to that scale. Bad thing is that they are Navy pilots and not Airforce pilots

California, United States
Joined: July 08, 2003
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Posted: Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 01:29 AM UTC
Well for an "Armor guy" you picked the right plane :-)

I think you will find the A-10 has changed very little from it first flight in '72. The changes for present day operations are in the under wing stores, specifically "LASTE" (part of LANTIRN) and "PAVE PENNY" laser pods. Other than that she is still the same basic TANK KILLER airframe they started with.
New York, United States
Joined: January 29, 2004
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Posted: Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 02:48 AM UTC
Hey J,
I have the same kit and have to say it is one heck of a kit. I've started mine over the summer working on the cockpit made by Verlinden. Got the cockpit finished and boxed it for awhile. When I bought mine I also decieded to get the aftermarket goodie as well. The Verlinden cockpit is great, super clean, crisp detail and a great set of seats, worth the money. I also bought the A-10 Exterior Detailing Set from Meteor Productions, here it is http://www.meteorprod.com/cgi-bin/meteorsearch.pl?show_graphic+CEC32061.jpg++A-10A/B_Exterior_Detail_Set++Thu_12_22_200516_20_9.dat+23.99+. Cutting Edge also has a cokpit set, but with out the PE as the Verlinden has. If you really like to read up on the many reviews and builds, have a look over at ARC. In their search field type in: 1/32 Trumpter A-10, there you'll find a massive amount of articles with products and builds. ARC website, http://aircraftresourcecenter.com/

I have to say that the A-10 is one of my favorite of three other jets, A-6's and the F4 Phantoms. If you need anything ( I have a ton of books and infomation) feel free to PM me. Looking forward to seeing your progress and finale pics.
California, United States
Joined: October 08, 2002
KitMaker: 893 posts
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Posted: Friday, December 23, 2005 - 10:26 AM UTC
Hey, Thanks a Bunch, Guys!

Yeah, you said it, Chuck: how can you NOT love the
A-10...? I was really annoyed that the Air Force was contemplating getting rid of them before BOTH Iraq conflicts!!! The aircraft is unique and really is a tank in it's own right!!!

Reminds me of another favorite aircraft, the A-1 Skyraider...tough, reliable dangerous and decidely unglamorous! And speaking of which, Fine Scale Modeler's Most Wanted Kits survey named a 1/32nd scale A-1 Skyraider the number #1 most wanted kit for the scale!! I have high hopes that Trumpeter will produce the A-1H as well as the "fat face" A-1E Skyraiders next year!!! I can dream, can't I...?

Ya know, those female figures (no pun intended), might be a good start, Pete, thanks! The faces do look a little like anime characters, though...would have to find a female head with the hair pulled back as all of the female pilots I have seen on TV seem to go that route. And no doubt, they are packin' some Navy-specific gear which would have to be sanded off...

And thanks for the ARC website tip, Joe! That place is PACKED with great info --- through it I found the decals for Capt. Casey Campbells A-10, Killer Chick...this was a HUGE help! Of course, doing this bird will mean doing some serious battle damage, which will make the project take longer, etc.

I have the Cutting Edge Cockpit set, which is cool. Dunno if I'll go much farther, though I might spring for their replacement Avenger muzzle.

Agreed, I am also a big Phantom fan as well --- with or without the gun nose, it is a great lookin' bird! Would love to take one of those Tamiya kits home one day! And thank you for the offer of sharing research resources, Joe --- you are, as we'd say back in my hometown of The Bronx, "good people!"

As to pictures and progress they will both be slow --- had my first child in November so modeling time is next to non-existant at the moment (unless he gets into the hobby early!!)

Thanks again, fellahs --- much appreciation from an "armor guy" who has always loved airplanes!!

Much Aloha , Many Thanks & Merry Christmas!

Johnny B