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7 more aircraft walk arounds
South Dakota, United States
Joined: May 10, 2002
KitMaker: 971 posts
AeroScale: 191 posts
Posted: Friday, December 30, 2005 - 09:57 AM UTC
There are 7 more aircraft walk arounds added to Prime Portal tonight:

A 10 photo walk around of the A-12 (60-6938) Blackbird.

A 51 photo walk around of the AT-38B (61-0817) Talon.

A 49 photo walk around of the F-105D (62-4360) Thunderchief.

A 28 photo walk around of the F-105G (63-8320) Thunderchief.

An 88 photo walk around of the F-111A (67-0051) Aardvark.

A 19 photo walk around of the RB-47E (53-4257) Stratojet.

A 41 photo walk around of the SR-71A (64-17967) Blackbird.

Check them all out at:


Don Busack