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NC Aircraft Museum- Anyone want pics?
North Carolina, United States
Joined: March 30, 2004
KitMaker: 938 posts
AeroScale: 109 posts
Posted: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 - 08:12 AM UTC
Hiya all you wingy-thingy types! I'm taking the boys down to the Zoo tomorrow, and hope to make a stop at the Air Museum at the same time(about 45min. from my home). Check their website here:
and let me know if there are any birds in particular that you want pics of. At high res, my card has room for about 500 1200x800 dpi pics, so don't be shy, I mean to get as much as I can(sadly, interior pics may be difficult to impossible as no one is allowed inside the A/C )
Also let me know if there's any particular area you might need, such as gearwell, exhaust, aerials,etc.
Clear Skies!!