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Vac-formed props
England - North East, United Kingdom
Joined: December 20, 2004
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Posted: Monday, January 16, 2006 - 12:33 AM UTC

I'm building a Welsh Models 1/144 scale Handley Page Hastings and the props are little vac-formed affairs which look ready to snap as you happen to breath heavily on them! Does anyone have any ideas about (a) what to fill them with at the rear and (b) how to rub them down without destroying them?!

I hope there's someone out there who can give me some tips on how to approach these little blighters because they've got me scratching my cranium!!

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England - South West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Monday, January 16, 2006 - 01:35 AM UTC
Not this old chestnut again, isn't there anyone at work you can ask, or try getting out one o' them how to modelling books :-) Have you asked the new boy?
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Posted: Monday, January 16, 2006 - 06:21 AM UTC
Hi Harri

Vacuformed props? Eeek! I must admit I haven't tackled any for a good few years...

Well - I used to fill them with Alaldite (epoxy resin). Ths is "OK", but it has a potentialy serious downside of generating heat as it cures. Working in 1/144 you'll probably get away with it because the quantity of resin used is so small, but larger amounts can distort plastic.

These days, I'd definitely go for "Supafilla". It sounds like a trade-name, but it's a home brew I learned here on Armorama. Basically. it's a mix of cyano-acrylate (superglue) and talcum powder. Gel-type CA seems to work best (but even the cheapest Wilco's thin stuff works fine ). Mix the CA and talc to the consistency of toothpaste and fill the blades. It sticks like the proverbial **** to a blanket... dries quickly and sands easily and "feathers in" beautifully. I actually use "Supafilla" for almost all jobs now - I prefer it over conventional modelling fillers.

All the best

England - North East, United Kingdom
Joined: December 20, 2004
KitMaker: 111 posts
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Posted: Monday, January 16, 2006 - 12:26 PM UTC
Mmmh, thanks Mal for your kind advice! (I don't think!)

I'll certainly give your formula a try Rowan. I must admit Mal did mention something about " ....Uh talc...uh...and...uh....superglue...I think" but he wasn't quite sure. Bless him, it's old age you know!

Thanks for the advice, I'll let you know how it works out!
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England - South West, United Kingdom
Joined: September 30, 2002
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Posted: Monday, January 16, 2006 - 12:33 PM UTC
Nice try to bring us "oldies" (you know what they say and my wife is six years younger than me ) down a peg. What you mean to say is that I told you about "Supafiller" but you wouldn't believe me, bah!! the younger generation
Have you got that fuselage finished yet? your client will be wondering