I thought Id share my progress on kit 3 since restarting this great hobby of ours. Its the Airfix Me109 in 1/72.And no,,,it isnt a "speed build" .I started it 3 weeks ago and progress was slow while I built the P40 for "SYT". Thanks to Almonkey for sending me a vacuform canopy to replace the blob of clear plastic that Airfix call a part!
My new Badger 150 arrived a couple of days ago and this is my first time using it.I also fitted the canopy before spraying for the first time which seemed rather un natural but will certainly blend in better with the finished job.
I cant believe the difference between the Badger and my other airbrush.Its like going from a paint roller to a fine brush! For the first time all the detail is still there and crytsal clear.Fantastic.Be even better when I get used to spraying with it.
Thanks for looking!