Hello all, back again with another question for my 1/32 Revell Cobra build. So I've been debating with myself for several days with the idea of having an Aircraft Commander(back-seater) and a Gunner(front-seater) for my Snake. The easiest thing to do would be not have any because the crew included in the kit is from the orginal release. As it is, this is for my dad(Cobra pilot) so I wanted to have a crew in it. A few days ago I came across a link on google that led me to a topic from the Fine Scale Modeler forum about the 1/32 Cobra. Unfortunatly it was over 3 years old but in it I saw that Jonathan Bernstein had used a Tamiya 1/32 F-4 pilot with a little modification for one of his AH-1s. This is the same Mr. Bernstein that wrote Osprey Publishing's "Cobra Units In Vietnam."
Im having trouble with figuring out a way of making the F-4 pilot work, maybe Im not using enough imagination? The problem lies with the head because the oxygen mask is on the pilot's face.
Not only can I not figure out that problem, but what if I can't use him at all? I cant find a single manufacture that produces helicopter pilots in 1/32 and a 1/35 defienatly will not work.
I know there are plenty of helo jocks here, you guys have any ideas?