Heres my completed Me109E-7/Trop.Its the Airfix 1/72 built oob apart from a vacform canopy kindly supplied my Phil.Finished in the markings of Oberleutnant Ludwig Fanzisket, 1 Gruppe/JG27, Lybia 1941.
Started the build 29/12/05 and finished today.
Its the first Luftwaffe subject Ive tried,and also the first time Ive fitted the canopy before spraying.Seems like the way forward but a lot more practice needed as I feel it lets it down somewhat.I masked the whole thing and then cut the panel lines out with a new blade.When I removed the masking there was a fine white line around each section from the primer and I had to touch it up by hand,and although the canopy was treated with Klear before masking it seems to have lost its finish.I gave it another coat of Klear and its bought it back a bit but Im still not over the moon with it.
Anyway,,here are the pics. As always,,please feel free to make any comments and give advice for future builds.
Thanks for looking.