General Aircraft
This forum is for general aircraft modelling discussions.
Sorry for the delays...
Staff MemberSenior Editor
United Kingdom
Joined: June 11, 2003
KitMaker: 17,582 posts
AeroScale: 12,795 posts
Posted: Tuesday, February 07, 2006 - 02:49 AM UTC
Hi all

Tonight is obviously apology night - but, hopefully, this one is troll-proof!

I think I owe it to everyone to give you a bit of an explanation for my poor attendance and editing of late. Basically, work's got in the way. I work as a video editor and this is traditionally our crazy period - but this year it seems to be lasting a bit longer and being a bit crazier than usual. Good news for my company - but a pain as regards coping with Armorama content.

The recent outages have also timed badly (is there a good time?!) - just as I've had time free, I couldn't get on-line, so Sod's Law was firmly in action!

So - to everyone who's submitted content - thank you and keep 'em coming! I also thank you for your patience! We've got some great Features and Reviews set to appear in the next few days!

On that note, I'll shut up and get busy!

All the best
