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l e d's
England - North East, United Kingdom
Joined: December 25, 2005
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Posted: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 - 04:55 AM UTC
i wish to wire up a c130 so that the lights work. the nav lights need to be steady. the landing lights need to be steady but the tail and fuselage need to flash. any ideas please?
Florida, United States
Joined: May 16, 2002
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Posted: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 - 06:28 AM UTC
At Radio Shack here in the states, you can buy blinking LEDs and also small blinker circuits that can be hooked up as well. Not sure what the equivelant is across the pond, but and good electronics supply store should carry these items.

I did the same with a 1/32 AH-1G helo a long time ago (late '80's). Had green LEDs behind the instruments and a motorized main rotor too. Couldn't get a small enough motor for the tail rotor at the time and ended up using a clear plastic disc to represent it. Came out pretty good.
New York, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 - 06:44 AM UTC
Hello Des and welcome to Armorama.
I to once started a 1/48th C-130H using LED’S, never finished it. Yet! Any how to get started you’ll need to get some blinking diode’s along with some steady diode’s and a 9 volt battery pack with on and off switch. The blinking diode’s do just what it say’s and you can even get them that adjust the rate of blinking speed. Most of the supply’s can be bought at most electronic stores, and even on-line. Not only am I doing the navigation lights, I'm also lighting up the interior. Good luck with yours and hope you get further than mine:p Looking forward to seeing your photos.

Here is a link that may give you some idea,

Colorado, United States
Joined: January 20, 2005
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Posted: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 - 07:10 AM UTC
Earlier I used an LED FLasher/Oscillator I.C., Cat. No. 276-1705 from Archer (Radio Shack) and a potentiometer labeled simply 500-641 but lately I've been using all sort of cheap items. Anything from a birthday tiara for my daughter from Wal-Mart with several flashing LEDs for 99 cents, to flashing beer bottles I got free at a pool party given by a hotel when we returned from a deployment.

No pic on the tiara as it's already been cannibalized.