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ryusie kai (grace) aichi
Luzon, Philippines
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Posted: Monday, February 20, 2006 - 09:33 PM UTC
my first WWII japanese plane. ryusie kai "grace" aichi from hasegawa. a carrier base torpedo and bomber plane..made it's first appearance during the final years of WWII. the final days of the IJN carrier fleet devastation. redirected the remaining squadron to land base operations in the pacific islands. possibly participated in kamekaze missions on the battle of leyte and lingayen in the philippine islands.

hope you like it.

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Tennessee, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 07:27 AM UTC
I must say good job!

Did you mask the paint chips?
North Carolina, United States
Joined: November 28, 2005
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Posted: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 08:00 AM UTC
I love the chipped paint effect on this one. The details stand out nicely.
If I had to suggest anything at all I'd have to say that with that much paint chipping perhaps a few patches of faded/worn green paint along with some exhaust stains would help it along.
This is just a suggestion. Your Grace is nicer than anything in my collection at this time.

Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 08:31 AM UTC
nice chiiped paint and canopy looks GREAT too
how did u paint the canopy ?

i agree with Hermon, maybe a little bit wash will make the plane looks good
GOod Job
Moselle, France
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Posted: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 12:45 PM UTC
Hi Liberator!

Nice model! Like others, I wonder how you did that paint shipping? Salt method? And like others, I would "enhance" the panel lines with a wash... but that's a matter of taste. Some like it, some not. In the end it's a personal choice.
The decals seems to have worked very well except for the white stripes on the tail were they "silvered" a little. The best, in my opinion, is to cut the excess carrier film before applying those stripes. Other than that, nothing to say... great job!

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England - South West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 12:48 PM UTC
Is this paint chipping done using the "salt" technique?
I like everything about this, but I do think that the markings ought to receive their fair share of weathering. Nice one I hope we get to see more of your work.
Just a little tip, if you can edit your pics down to a a max of 650 pixels wide, not only will you save a massive amount of space in your gallery, but the pics will load much faster and more members will wait to see them and therefor post If you are not sure how to re-size just let me know.
Have you thought about the Model of the Month?
Moselle, France
Joined: May 15, 2005
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Posted: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 01:15 PM UTC
Hi again!

I noticed something else while viewing the pictures. On the second one, the torpedo seems to touch the ground! Taking off that way would have been very dangerous! Did you put the torpedo at the right place? If yes, maybe you should shorten the attachment parts a little...

Luzon, Philippines
Joined: May 15, 2004
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Posted: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - 03:12 PM UTC
hi guys, thanks for all the comments and questions..first the weathering and chipping..i used salt and chalk techinque for the chipping..same technique i'm using in my armour and ship models and in some areas i handpainted them specially the rivet lines. two different greens in there...first the luffwafe green which is lighter and the final touch..IJN green on edges and bend on wings. it did little enhancement but viewing it on top you can see the faded greens on fuselage and wings.
the decals seem to be 'not cooperative'..silvering on the tail section. well i guess i'll try cutting the carrier films on my next project or probably handpainted them.
the torpedo really hung that low.. i placed it on a bended cardboard background which makes it touch the ground. i haven't seen a reference picture of this plane carrying a torpedo underneath..the grace makes it debut on the final years of WWII. so i guess few pictures were available then.
washing? i'd tried a small area to wash it with thinned flat black..but it seem to ruin the paint job..this my first weathered plane so i was careful with the paintjob.

i used to post images in a 650 pixel wide..some people with bigger screen suggested to make it bigger..so i guess i have to stick with 650..next time. ah..err.. i don't know how to resize them..if its possible kindly resize the images so everyone can see!..and next time i'll plan for the aircraft MOM. thanks everyone..!

off topic..does anyone here seen or made a tenzan jill? i'm looking for that in ages. really a nice piece of aircraft. thanks again.