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Rhode Island, United States
Joined: November 23, 2005
KitMaker: 66 posts
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Posted: Monday, February 27, 2006 - 09:08 PM UTC
Can anyone lead me in the right direction? I'm thinking about building a Polikarpov I 16 for the "SCW' build. I've seen Academy and Hobbycraft kits in 1/48th plus Airwaves update/ detail sets...not to mention the newly released decals from the Ukraine( check out the Art Deco markings! )...which kit/ combo would build the most accurate I 16 type 5 or 10? Thanks...Nige
Ontario, Canada
Joined: September 15, 2005
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Posted: Monday, February 27, 2006 - 09:24 PM UTC
The 48th academy offering is a repackaged Hobby Craft I-16 Type 5.

Joined: September 07, 2005
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Posted: Monday, February 27, 2006 - 10:21 PM UTC
Hi Nigel

while the Hobbycraft/ Academy is not soo bad, it is not good either. If you choose to build it check references (e.g. the early variants did not have the right cockpit door)

Eduard is going to release the first of their I-16 in April. It is a type 10 and would suit SCW although you would have to buy extra decals as the first release has only markings for VVS (SCW will be a separate release)



Rhode Island, United States
Joined: November 23, 2005
KitMaker: 66 posts
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Posted: Monday, February 27, 2006 - 10:35 PM UTC
Thanks Frank & Steffen, I guess I should just be patient and get the Eduard kit....on another note...researching this subject has peaked my interest in the SCW...any history/ reference/ book suggestions?
thanks, N
Joined: September 07, 2005
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Posted: Monday, February 27, 2006 - 11:29 PM UTC
Hi Nigel

As for Legion Condor I would recomment Ries "Legion Condor" (sorry I only have the German version, but I believe it was also published in English). I have heard "Condor: The Luftwaffe in Spain 1936-1939" by Patrick Laureau (Hikoki) should also be very good (I do not have it yet).

Furthermore I would recomment having a look at the site of Quirón ediciones ( http://www.quironediciones.com/ ) ... especially the "Histórica 36/39" series ... unfortunately small progress here. I have the Republican Fighterpilors part one ...

Edit: I forgot the Jagdwaffe series .. but thats for camouflage and markings only

Thats all I can remember at the moment.. others may know more

