General Aircraft
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Guillows Grumman Avenger
California, United States
Joined: December 19, 2004
KitMaker: 2,870 posts
AeroScale: 258 posts
Posted: Friday, March 10, 2006 - 10:15 AM UTC
Oh great Steel Bird Gurus,I have questions for you!
OK,I know the Guillows kit is never going to be confused with Trumpeter,but I have a chance to get one of these dirt cheap.I figure if it comes out OK,I can move to an even larger project.
Does it build into a believable static kit?
If I wanted to upgrade some details,is it possible with out spending arm,leg or 3 weeks of scratchbuilding?
What kind of primer/paint does the tissue skin take?
No,I am not going to put effigy of Bush senior in cockpit and shoot it down.
Thankyou in advance for your kind answers!
Illinois, United States
Joined: August 30, 2005
KitMaker: 3,289 posts
AeroScale: 289 posts
Posted: Friday, March 10, 2006 - 07:35 PM UTC
Your talking about a stick and tissue kit here, so you shouldn't be expecting a smooth fuse or wings...at least not oob. I've seen park flyers "skin" the finished fuse and wings with wood{1/32 plywood or balsa} and paint it up nice...that would be your extra work. Any park flyer wouldn't be expecting a light flyable model if they skinned the plane but your not building it to fly. I've also seen guys fill between the bulkheads with foam and sand smooth, then cover with the low temp airplane film{Sigs is a good version}. If your looking for a "that looks about right plane...from 5 to 10 feet"...go for it.