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Eduard Yak-3 finished
Joined: September 07, 2005
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Posted: Friday, March 24, 2006 - 03:29 AM UTC
Hi all

when I have to finish one model (in this case the Fw 190 A-8/R2) I am often motivated to finish projects which are almost done but were forgotten because I ran into a problem or lost motivation. In this case it was the etched landing gear covers which let this little rascal sit in the unfinished stash for almost a year. It just took me 3 or 4 day to complete it

... almost ...

I forgot the pitot on the left wing (meanwhile I added it)

here are some fotos of the Yak.

It was finished in the c&m of Boris Yeremin with the decals that came in the box. I had to touch up some of the writings as the decal folded over during application and I could not get it back ... I always screw something up and I am a pro in accidental model destruction

hope you like it



P.S. If you read German : Jak-3 Baubericht (same pictures)
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England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Friday, March 24, 2006 - 04:12 AM UTC
Great build Steffen, i can't believe you let that plane sit in your stash.
The markings are fascinating, do you know what it translates too? And which part did you touch up as i can't tell the difference between decal and paint ?
Definite MOM contender there.
Andy (++)
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Posted: Friday, March 24, 2006 - 04:33 AM UTC
Many Thanks Andy

I can read kyrillic (a little) but I forgot what was written there, the pic is too fuzzy and the model is packed for a model show this weekend. It was somthing like: "2nd airplane from "Ivan Petrovitch" to the great red air fleet" please do not take this by the word but just as a general idea.

BTW the touched up side is right (3rd pic from above) "Om" which means "from" and the T-shaped letter below that which is a "G" plus some more minor things ... was not easy with my big fat fingers and high blood pressure


Florida, United States
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Posted: Friday, March 24, 2006 - 04:55 AM UTC
You did great on the plane except a little more weathering wont hurt
Moselle, France
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Posted: Friday, March 24, 2006 - 10:50 AM UTC

Quoted Text

the model is packed for a model show this weekend.

Hi Steffen!

Your Yak looks fantastic! It would have been a shame not to take it to the model show. By the way, wish show is it? You don't happen to go to the show at Thionville (France) this week-end? I know some modelers from Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands go there.
Anyway, I like the markings of your model especially the red star on the spinner!
In the future I plan to do mine in the colors of "Normandie-Niemen" of course!
Great job Steffen!

Washington, United States
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Posted: Friday, March 24, 2006 - 07:15 PM UTC
Hi Steffen, I'm the same way as you when it comes to motivation. Seems like it comes and goes and you just have to grab on to the moment when it is there. I really like your build and like Jean-Luc really like the star on the spinner. I assume that is a decal - did it give you any trouble going on? Such a complicated place for a decals to go...

Anyway, looks great. Good luck at the contest.
England - East Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Friday, March 24, 2006 - 08:13 PM UTC
Hi Steffan.
Thats a great Yak,,lovely finish and I like it a lot.
Bet the decal on the spinner was fun
Ive never really looked into doing a Russian fighter but having seen this Im very tempted.
No way I could leave it almost finished for that length of time though,when I get stuck into something I really look forward to the finishing stages.
Looking forward to seeing lots more from you.Hopefully you wont make us wait a year before the next one.
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Posted: Saturday, March 25, 2006 - 01:15 AM UTC
Hi all

many thanks for your kind comments. I am really glad you like it.

sorry that I did not answer earlier, but as I wrote I am at a model show in Lübeck (about 80 km north of Hamburg) ... will be there tomorrow too.

@panzercmdr: I think I did almost too much, maybe it does not show in the pix. Furthermore the wings and fuselage do not have much panel lines soo there is not much to weather ... thanks for the hint anyway

re spinner star: If I remember clearly (it was over a year ago that I applied it) I screwed the kit decal, but I used one from an AccMin Yak-1b kit ... that on went on like a charme

I have also finished my special hobby Macchi Mc.200 Serie I. on friday --- which was a much harder build (also over a year on and off), but I like em both

Again many thanks for your nice comments

best wishes

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England - South West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Saturday, March 25, 2006 - 01:37 AM UTC
Well Steffen, looks like it was worth the wait
it usually takes me a while to finish projects and I nearly always start more trying to find motivation I then get stuck in and finish 2 or 3 over a short period
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Posted: Saturday, March 25, 2006 - 01:53 AM UTC
Thanks Mal !!

Well, it seems a common problem .. starting as many kist as possible (I can't let most kits go into the stash without at least opening the bags and dryfitting the fuselage and the wings ..

ok and flying around in the room imaging the final outcome of the build (which is almost always much better than I can do afterwards) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

I have some more kits in the pipeline which I hope to finish in the comming two weeks a Ju 87 G-2 which sits much longer half finished in the shelf than the Yak-3 .. when was the kit issued ... 1998? (The Eduard set took a lot of motivation .. I still get wet hands when remembering the "20" piece cannon mount)

and a Tamiya F2A-2 which I have 15 years or so but only started some weeks ago to just build something easy ... until the decals evaporated in a thousand pieces ... hope the Yellow Wing set will arrive soon

remember me saying I manage to screw something on every kit ... shame on me


North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Sunday, March 26, 2006 - 02:26 AM UTC
That's a very nice Yak Steffen.
I did a Yak-1 a few weeks ago in the winter camo scheme but yours turned out much better. I like the subtle blending of your camo, very nice.
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Posted: Sunday, March 26, 2006 - 03:08 AM UTC
Many thanks!

Actually I am not sure whether this soft edge is right. VVS used a lot of hard edged camo

.... but I like the way this Yak turned out

