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Weapons/build directions for a Tam 1:32 F-16?
Buskerud, Norway
Joined: July 31, 2005
KitMaker: 1,871 posts
AeroScale: 58 posts
Posted: Friday, March 31, 2006 - 12:16 AM UTC
Question 1:
For a future project I need some help to find the right weapons for my 1:32 scale Norwegian OEF F-16. What I need is two GBU-12 bombs (not sure if I need launchers) and two AIM-120 AMRAAMS on LAU-129 launchers. In addition I need a Litening II targeting pod. Does any of you flight experts know a online store where I can get this? So far I have found both the missiles and the bombs from different stores, but I would like to get them all from the same place to "save" some postage. No luck with the Litening pod yet.

Question 2:
I got the Tamiya F-16 C Thunderbird which will be converted to a Norwegian MLU fighter. The kit got external tanks and the gatling gun, but no instructions for them. I guess this is from the the F-16CJ kit so if anyone got a scan of these instructions it would be most appriciated.

Since I rearly build "wingy thingis" I might have forgotten something, so all tips and advices are very welcome.
