Glad you like it, the Me-163 that is.
I have on a CD disc some where a scan take from a book on the 163 that illustrates this aircraft and if my memory is correct it is based on the recollections of a member of the ground crew, unfortunately it does not show the uppersurface or wing leading edge as it depicts the other side.
Again if my memory is correct (I have not modeled German Aircraft on a regular basis for some time, mostly Soviet VVS) I borrowed a book from a fellow club member and I think I am correct in saying that most 163`s were delivered with the wing camo colours going over the fuselage top and down the sides, Side demarcation seems to indicate which plant made/painted the A/C, this resulted in repainting on the fuselage being carried out on delivery to the unit, so I reasoned that the Revell Scheme was possibly correct.
When I have time (More likey to be this weekend I will sort out the CD, take it to work and print off the colour side view, this I am happy to post to you but will require your address, you can email direct if you like, my address is in my site profile.
Hope this helps