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You've hit upon and area that I've been trying to work with myself, of late. I've been trying to do something other than NMF on early jets, but find it difficult.
As I'm sure you are aware, the "Early Jet Years" following WW II, were the years of the Interceptor not the Fighter. The F-86 and Mig-15 were designed to intercept the other fellows Bombers (though the did wind up chasing each other around the sky for a while). Early jets were thought of as Interceptors and therefore had no need for camo at least from a US and USSR view point.
For "conventional camo" schemes you are more likely to find nice ones on "export" aircraft for the F-86 both the RCAF and Helenic Air Force had some nice schemes, for the Mig-15 look to the former "Eastern Block " countries. By the time these machine were exported they had seen a slight change in role to Attack / Ground Support and their forward deployment justified camo.
As for the Panther most sported good old Dark Sea Blue or Ghost Gray paint jobs. Being carrierborne they didn't have much need for "conventional" camo. Many of the Cougar versions sported a White overall with Day Glow Orange Markings.
I do find the 50's and 60's markings of US jets interesting though. They sure weren't trying to hide them with the Silver or NMF with the colorful Red and Yellow sometimes very artistic markings.