Hi all.
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But I think you forgot some bullet holes in on the fuselage! Are these sink marks?
They are carefully measured and scratchbuilt dents and wear and tear in the metal,,,,,,,,
Nah,,they are tiny sink marks which have grown to about 10 times their actual size with the NMF. Its very unforgiving! These small sink marks were filled and looked great in the black primer.
Oh well,,looks like I'll have to apply some carefull weathering techniques.
One will be hidden under the exhaust stain and although its certainly not going to win any competitions it will add to the battered finish.Thats what Im hoping anyway.
To be honest JeanLuc,,with all the problems Ive had with this kit Im surprised its got to this stage without being consigned to the dustbin.But I decided to persevere and use it as a test bed for trying the different Alclads on the panels,and theres still the handpainted stripes to contend with!
I will do those tonight all being well,so theres still chance it might not make it to the finishing post, buts its certainly been a learning curve.
Whats AMF and BMF? Aluminium?